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Watch the David Edwards Keynote from INSPIRE 2018.

03 Sep 2018 9:12 PM | Travis Atkinson
How do corrective emotional experiences play a central role in schema therapy?
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The Corrective Emotional Experience: It's Central Place Within Schema Therapy
by David Edwards 
ISST President

All psychotherapy interventions aim to provide corrective experiences of some sort, but the term “corrective emotional experience,” used by Franz Alexander and Thomas French (1946) captured what they saw as the heart of what brings about meaningful change in brief psychodynamic therapy. 

A storm of protest and rejection erupted from much of the psychoanalytic community, that would continue for decades. This reflected the split between Freud and Ferenczi over Ferenczi’s recognition of the reality and significance of childhood trauma and his more intense emotional engagement with clients’ experience.

The term, as Alexander and French defined it, captures important elements of what in schema therapy we call “limited reparenting.”  Schema therapy extends this through imagery and psychodrama, methods widely employed by critics of Freud throughout the 20th century, but viewed with deep suspicion within traditional psychoanalysis.

“Corrective emotional experiences" bring about positive change in early maladaptive schemas through accessing the Vulnerable Child, and the experiences that led to EMS formation in the first place.  They correct them through identifying unmet developmental needs and finding ways to meet them. This is schema healing.  

This keynote will examine the challenges encountered in this process, not only from coping modes and parent modes, but also from mode complexity, embedded modes, and dissociated modes. It will also look at how, as an integrative therapy, schema therapy draws on other kinds of corrective experience to strengthen the process of schema change.

David has graciously granted permission for us to provide a digital recording of his keynote, with copyright restrictions, to all active ISST members enrolled on the website.

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Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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